「世界でもっとも奇妙な数学パズル」: IMPOSSIBLE
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共有知識: common knowledge http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/common-knowledge/
mutual knowledge を共同知識を訳しているが、適当ではなさそう。
mutual knowledge は individual knowledge の対語として現れる。
Mutual knowledge is a fundamental concept about information in game theory, (epistemic) logic and epistemology. An event is mutual knowledge if all agents know that the event occurred [1]:73. However, mutual knowledge by itself implies nothing about what agents know about other agents' knowledge: i.e. it is possible that an event is mutual knowledge but that each agent is unaware that the other agents know it has occurred.[2] Common knowledge is a related but stronger notion; any event that is common knowledge is also mutual knowledge. The philosopher Stephen Schiffer, in his book Meaning, developed a notion he called "mutual knowledge" which functions quite similarly to David K. Lewis's "common knowledge".[3]