
1. IMP/Precision/1C-1D-1H_relay


Using 1♣-1♦-1H as a relay bid is a common idea in Precision.

This allows balanced hands and hands with primary hearts to be shown.

条件はさまざま、返答もさまざま。-- ToshinoriMaeno 2019-08-01 01:38:51


(-> ../2D が有力) しかし、Multicolor オープンは使えない。

(続き) You can get a very precise definition of your balanced hands showing 2 hcp ranges.

For example 1♣-1♦-1N=17-18, 1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠-1N=19-20, 1♣-1♦-2N=21-22, 1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠-2N=23-24, etc

Hands with primary hearts can also have their shape and strength shown more precisely.

Hands which are 4441 fall threw the cracks. You could use a 2♦ opening to show any strong 4441 hands and there are probably other ways.

My proposal is to use 1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠-1N to show all 4441 hands F1 including hands with 1♥. Alternatively you could guarantee 4♥.

This would require a change to the NT ladder with a reduction in accuracy. 1♣-1♦-1N=17-19, 1♣-1♦-2N=20-21, 1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠-2N=22-24, etc

Obviously this requires more work on the details. But i was wondering if idea has merit, should suffer thru with 1M rebid being potentially 4441 or using some other way to show 4441 is a better idea.

1.1. Imprecise Precision

After 1♣!-1♢!, 1♡! asks responder to bid an ar-tificial 1♠!.

It is usually a hand with hearts, but can be a strong balanced hand, and even more rarely a hand 6-5 in the minors.

This bid should be explained as, “A five-card heartsuit or a strong balanced hand; or rarely, a hand 6-5 in the minors"

After 1♣! - 1♢! - 1♡!, responder accepts the relay and bids 1♠!(not weak and distributional)

•  1N with 5-5 in the majors, very weak
•  2-level suit bids with a modest six-card suit, weak hand, no outside Queens.
•  2N with 5-5 in the minors, very weak.
•  3-level  suit  bids  with  seven-card  suits,  veryweak.

The 1♠! bid can be explained in more detail as not showing one of the above hands.

If the opener is balanced, after 1♣! - 1♢!(0-7):

•  1N immediately shows 18-19 HCP; with the heart relay first, 20-21 HCP
•  2N immediately shows 22-24 HCP; with the heart relay first, 25-27 HCP
•  3N immediately is to play; with the heart relayfirst, 28+ HCP 

After the 1♡! relay is accepted with 1♠!,

an unbal-anced opener bids as follows, all bids showing a heartsuit, and jumps showing extras.

•  2♣! shows 3+ clubs as well as the 5+ hearts
•  2♢! shows 3+ diamonds as well as the 5+ hearts.
•  2♡  shows a 6+ heart suit, no extras.
•  2♠! shows 4+ spades as well as the 5+ hearts.
•  3♣!, 3♢!  are forcing, suggestive of 5+ in the minor as well, or extras.
•  3♡ shows 6+ hearts, invitational.
•  3♠ shows 4+ spades, 5+ hearts, with extras.
•  4♡ shows 6+ hearts, to play.
•  4N is RKC for hearts

Two special bids show 6-5 minor-suited hands:

•  4♣forcing, 6+ clubs, 5+ diamonds.
•  4♢forcing, 6+ diamonds, 5+ clubs

1.2. Mavarako

1C-1D-1H shows 18+ balanced or an unbalanced hand with hearts.

1S says I cant make any of the following bids:

1NT=precisely 5HCP (weird bid explain later)
2C=5 clubs and a 4 card major (5-7HCP)
2D=5 spades (5-7HCP)
2H=5 hearts (5-7HCP
2S= 12-14 balanced

If opener continues with 1NT 18-20HCP, 2D shows 5 diamonds and a 4 card major and all other bids show less than 5HCP except 2N=6HCP 3NT=7HCP

Note 1NT shows exactly 5 so that the partnership can stop at 1NT. (The wrong side matters 2% of the time)


After a 1 H relay in Precision by David Watson July 8, 2016

After a Precision 1 Club showing 16+ and a 1 Diamond response showing less than 8 HCP an a rebid by opener of 1 Heart, which could be a relay to show a big balanced hand (19+), what do you think of this treatment for responder's second rebid:

1 Spade 0 -4 HCP artificial
2 Clubs with 5 or 6 Diamonds  and 5-7 HCP
2 Diamonds with exactly 5 Hearts and 5-7 HCP
2 Hearts with exactly 5 Spades and 5-7 HCP
2 Spades is a balanced hand with 5-7 HCP
3 Clubs with  5 or 6 Clubs and 5-7 HCP