DNS/tdnsについて、ここに記述してください。 <> == link == https://labs.ripe.net/Members/bert_hubert/introducing-tdns-the-teachable-authoritative-dns-server Introducing 'tdns': the Teachable Authoritative DNS Server bert hubert — 20 Apr 2018 https://github.com/ahupowerdns/hello-dns/tree/master/tdns {{{ A warm welcome to DNS }}} https://powerdns.org/hello-dns/ == basic == https://powerdns.org/hello-dns/basic.md.html The concept of a DNS name is non-trivial and frequently misunderstood. ドメイン名空間を理解しなければ、DNSの話はできない。-- ToshinoriMaeno <> 日本なら、JP TLD下のゾーン木を図にしてみるのがよいだろう。 https://jprs.jp/glossary/imgs/zone.png == www.ietf.org AAAA RR はどこに == 階層との関係 {{{ 'www.ietf.org' can be defined in four different places. It could be in the 'root' zone itself, fully written out: www.ietf.org IN AAAA 3600 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:55 Or it could be in the org zone, where it might look like this: $origin ORG www.ietf IN AAAA 3600 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:55 Or, (as is actually the case), this name could live in the 'ietf.org' zone: $origin ietf.org www IN AAAA 3600 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:55 And finally, it is even possible that there is a zone called 'www.ietf.org', where the record lives like this: $origin www.ietf.org @ IN AAAA 3600 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:55 }}} == 権威サーバーの動作 == あるいはzone cutsについて。 When an authoritative server receives a query for 'www.ietf.org', it consults which zones it knows about and answers from the most specific zone it has available. この説明は現状の一部を記述しているに過ぎない。 == zone == ---- https://github.com/ahupowerdns/hello-dns/blob/master/tdns/tauth.md